You have registered your baby at our daycare center. We are delighted that you have confidence in us as a childcare organization and together we will do everything we can to ensure that your baby and you have a good time. In this brochure you can read what you can think about when your baby goes to the nursery for the first time. With this we hope to prepare you for a fun new period to come.
The intake
Babies usually start with us from 10 to 12 weeks old. Before the start date, your child will come to the nursery for a one morning introduction session. Preferably, you come to the intake together so you can meet your son or daughter’s mentor. Our pedagogical professional will ask you about your child, your family, the pregnancy and special circumstances. Personal attention is important to us; we would like to get to know each other. The intake will take about half an hour.
To the intake, please bring all necessary items for your baby. Below is a checklist of necessities.
✓ Bottle
✓ Enough formula or breast milk fort he day plus one extra feeding
✓ Sleepingbag with correct TOG Value (seasonal)
✓ Possibly a stuffed toy or pacifier
✓ Spare clothing
All products must have name tags. We unfortunately cannot accept glass jars and bottles.
Feeding must be measured per feeding (both bottle and breastfeeding) so that we do not have to dose. You will provide the number of ml of water per feeding to the mentor at intake and again if there are any changes.
We inform parents about the condition of the bedrooms so parents know if a winter or summer
sleeping bag is needed at daycare. Other food, diapers and wipes are included in the price. If your child is sensitive to a particular product please notify us and we will provide an appropriate solution.
You may bring your son or daughter to us in a washable diaper. However, we use disposable
diapers ourselves and give the washable diaper back to you at the end of the day.
During the intake we ask about allergies, special needs and vaccinations. We also ask you to be open and honest about your situation and how you and your child are doing. You can contact the mentor or other educational professionals with all your questions, including parenting questions. We mainly follow your rhythm from home, especially in the baby group.
Being able to drink from a bottle When your son or daughter starts with us, it is important that he or she can drink from a bottle. If you choose to breastfeed at our location you are more than welcome. Even then, in case you are really unable to attend, it is important that your baby can drink from a bottle. For tips or more information, click here.*
Sleeping in a crib
At our nursery, several babies often sleep in a bedroom around the same time. We always try to put the children to sleep in the bedroom so that they can fully relax. Exceptionally, a child may temporarily sleep in the group, but because of the stimuli in the group we try to avoid this. It is therefore important that your child is used to falling asleep in a bed, rather than in your arms or on your lap. Our pedagogical professionals lovingly cuddle and feed on your lap, but also need to have their hands free for the other children afterwards. For more information on sleeping in bed, look here.**
Skilled pedagogical professionals
Our pedagogical staff are specialist trained with a comprehensive course ‘Ruimte voor baby’s’,which is mandatory according to the IKK law. We believe it is important that staff members can empathize with the young child and that they are aware of everything a child experiences with us in a day. During this course, there is ample attention to the First 1000 days and we actively work with this on the work floor. This way we work on a nice, calm atmosphere in the group and try to avoid stress in children and colleagues. In this way we hope to continue the important first basis for a healthy future from the belly and your family with us. For more information about the First 1000 Days click here. (dutch site) (english site)
We hope this will help you get started at our daycare center. If you have not yet had a tour with us you can request one by clicking the button Request tour. We look forward to welcoming you to our nursery. If you have any questions please contact us via the contact page or call 0317 328
*leaflet drinking from a bottle
**Learn to sleep in be